c sharp facebook API

To begin using Facebook APIs, one should start a FacebookService giving it the application API (refer to Background section). Also, according to the application, some user permissions may be needed to be acquired. To get a list of permissions, you can go to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions.
 // The application key of the Facebook application used
 fbService.ApplicationKey = "";

 // Add all needed permissions
 List<Enums.ExtendedPermissions> perms = new List<Enums.ExtendedPermissions>
Important note: Some permissions are not yet listed in the current SDK, so I sometimes need to add them in the Enums.ExtendedPermissions class and re-compile the source.
After a successful initialization of the FacebookService, running the application now shall result in the following dialog that is used to start a session between a user and Facebook servers.

FB_Login.png Now for the fun stuff. I used the Facebook APIs asynchronously due to the latency that may be noticed due to network issues. It goes like that...
For publishing, the main function used here is Stream.PublishAsync. All I have done is write a neat interface to use this function along with the required callback (a function that is called when the asynchronous result is received successfully).

Source code :
 public void PublishToAFriendWall()
                attachment att = new attachment
                    // Name of link
                    name = "",
                    // URL of link
                    href = "",
                    caption = "",
                    media = new List<attachment_media>()

                attachment_media_image attMEd = new attachment_media_image
                    // Image source
                    src = "",
                    // URL to go to if clicked
                    href = ""

                action_link a = new action_link
                    text = "What's this",
                    //URL to go to if clicked
                    href = ""
                IList<action_link> tempA = new List<action_link> { a };

                // Use the typed friend UID to publish the typed message
                fbService.Stream.PublishAsync(friendWallTextBox.Text, att, 
   tempA, uidTextBox.Text, 0, PublishAsyncCompleted, null);
            catch (Exception)


        private static void PublishAsyncCompleted(string result, Object state, 
  FacebookExeption e)

For the other functionalities, the Facebook APIs used are:
  • Photos.CreateAlbumAsync for creating albums asynchronously
  • Photos.UploadAsync for uploading photos asynchronously
  • Photos.AddTag for tagging photos
  • And for the adding issue, I used the Internet Explorer DLL file (refer to Background section) to pop up a controlled Internet Explorer window showing the page http://www.facebook.com/addfriend.php?id= appended to it the uid of the user to add as a friend.
Mentioning on this article how exactly to use the above APIs is a bit frustrating (240 lines of code!!), so please refer to the attached project. It shows how exactly to use each and every API with the required objects and callbacks.

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