c sharp menu strip

MenuStrip adds a menu bar to your Windows Forms program. With this control, we add a menu area and then add the default menus or create custom menus directly in Visual Studio. We demonstrate the MenuStrip and provide some usage tips.

To begin, please open the Toolbox window in Visual Studio in a Windows Forms project. Then, locate the MenuStrip entry and double-click it or drag it to the window of your form.
Insert standard items. This is an optional step but one that may help speed up the development of many programs. Select the "Insert Standard Items" link in the popup that appears in Visual Studio. This will add the File, Edit, Tools and Help menus with standard sub-menu items.
Note: Please be aware that none of these entries will actually have any effect if you click on them. This will be fixed in the next step.

Click handlers

To add actions to the items in your MenuStrip, double click them and then a Click event handler for that ToolStripMenuItem will be inserted. Then, you can add your custom C# code to that method's body.

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